Monday, October 22, 2007

One Last Ride

Last week we went on what I think will be our last ride of the year. It is starting to get pretty chilly out and I don't really enjoy being up in the mountains and freezing! We got to ride along with Zachary's parents and little niece Josie who is staying with G-ma this week while her parents are on vacation( Lucky Ducks!) We rode up Payson Canyon and I was bummed to see that most of the leaves had already fallen off the trees! It was a great ride and nice to be up in the mountains.
Zachary and Josie ready to go!

Doug and J'net with Josie


The Warr's said...

i was so excited to see my little baby on your blog! we miss her so much, thanks for the fun pictures!

Ben said...

How fun to ride horses all over the mountains. When I think of the Rocky Mountain west, that's one of the images that comes to mind. Lucky you!

The Mothership said...

I'm glad you got in one last ride. How fun! Seeing the mountains really makes me miss Idaho!