Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. We had dinner with the Johnsons on Thursday afternoon which was soo good! My sister-in-law Tiffany thought it would be fun for all the kids to make gingerbread houses, and since we have no kids we got to make one of our own. That night we went and saw Enchanted, so good! I think everyone should see it! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Can't wait for Christmas in just 3 weeks!
Our masterpiece Gingerbread House

Everyone's works of Art

Cam and Reid- So cute!

Oh the Love

I have been tagged by my cute friend Anneka to share our love story! I think this was much more enjoybale for me than it will be for you!


HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED: It has been just over four months, and I love it!





WHO SINGS BETTER: There stands a lot to be desired in the Johnson home when it comes to singing!

WHO IS SMARTER: I would say Zachary, we each have our own areas

WHOSE TEMPER IS WORSE: Definitley mine, not that I have a temper- Zachary just NEVER gets mad

WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY: We usually do it together

WHO DOES THE DISHES: We have no dishwasher:( so we always wash them together after dinner

WHO PAYS THE BILLS: We each kind of just pay our own

WHO COOKS DINNER: Mainly me, but if you ask Zachary he would say he does

WHO DRIVES WHEN YOU ARE TOGETHER: Zachary, I would get an ulcer if I had to do much driving in Utah!

WHO IS MORE STUBBORN: I am, unfortunatley, Zachary is definitley the better half

WHO IS THE FIRST TO ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG: Once again, Zachary is the better person here

WHOSE PARENTS DO YOU SEE THE MOST: Well we live in Zacharys parents basement....

WHO KISSED WHO FIRST: Zachary kissed me first and it was total awkward!

WHO ASKED WHO OUT FIRST: Zachary asked me out, don't worry he was 2 hours late picking me up...funny I know


WHO IS MORE SENSITIVE: I say Zachary, he says me, so who knows

WHO HAS MORE FRIENDS: Zachary, he is somehow friends with everyone!

WHERE DID YOU MEET: I was on my way to the gym looking nasty as heck on a Saturday morning, and he rolled up in the passenger seat of one of his roommates that I knew, and the rest is history

WHERE WAS YOUR FIRST DATE: The Smokehouse in Rigby Idaho- funny!

WHAT WAS THE FIRST THING YOU SAID TO YOUR HUSBAND: I don't know, but I know he thought I was crazy

WHERE DID YOU GET ENGAGED: On a little bridge in Idaho Falls

WHERE DID YOU GET MARRIED: Columbia River Temple

WHERE WAS THE HONEYMOON: Whistler Canada, and it was beautifully perfect!

Oh my goodness that was REALLY long. I invite Johanna and Camille to do it because I don't really know your love stories!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I am in need of some serious help! I have been asked to bring some pies to the Johnson Thanksgiving dinner, preferably homemade. I am not a baker, and I have never once in my life made any sort of pie, except for the chocolate pudding sort of pie.......I need some ideas and recipes for a foolproof delicious pie to serve on Thanksgiving! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated-
Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Arcade Bliss

I don't know what it is about arcades, but I LOVE THEM! Maybe it's because they make me feel like a little 5 yr. old kid again, and I think 5 yr. old kids are fun. We had a little date night at the nicklecade this past weekend and for sure I was loving my life. $10 bought us about an hour of arcade bliss, and I pretty much got my trash kicked at everything by Zachary, but what can I say, he's good and I loved every minute anyways!
We didn't really ride this thing, but it made for a cute pose...
The shooting games are by far my favorite, good thing I am not a violent person in real life!

We have to live out our dreams of gun fighting at the arcade...

and for $10 we each went home with a Fun Dip, love those things!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Save The Date

Saturday December 22nd we are going to be hosting a Christmas Party at the Rodriguez Home.

Anyone who will be in Washington at that time is welcome to attend!

Please send an address to my email- kari.rodriguez.qfmw@statefarm.com to recieve your invitation!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Saturday Night Out

This past weekend was pretty uneventful. Saturday Zachary got invited to go to a BYU football game with one of his buddies, this may have been the first time Zachary has left me home on a weekend with absolutely NOTHING to do! I was so beside myself trying to figure out a way to occupy my time. I definitely don't like to be separated from my spouse during our free time, much less on the weekend! I ended up making a trip to the veterinarian with in-laws, which may sound boring, but I learned some new stuff about horses and it took up about an hour and a half of my time. Later that night we got to go to a reception of one of Zacharys old roommates with our friends Luke and Ali and had dinner at Ruby River- Love that place. We can always count on a good time with Luke and Ali around so we were glad they came along!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

Our first Halloween was a fun one. We dressed up, ate too much candy, and got our pants scared off at a frightening Haunted House!
We didn't anticipate any trick-or-treaters coming to visit us in the basement so took to the streets and delivered our goodie bags this year!

Zorro and his Senorita (We never really could come up with a name for my character!)

As you can tell Zachary L-O-V-E-D his costume

Visiting Jaylee and Cam as Dorothy and a Puppy, So cute!

Isaac, Hannah, and Reed made for some mean looking pirates, and Andrea was the cutest spider I have ever seen!

Zorro challenged Capt. Jack Sparrow to a duel........he was sorry he did....

Looking mean, but hard as she tries, Hannah just looks cute.